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Antiracist Curriculum

There are currently two active campaigns within the Marin Antiracist Coalition that are focused on changing curriculum to reflect inclusive and racially conscious values.

Tamalpais Union High School District

Campaign Lead: Youth for Racial Equity

Vision for the TUHSD Curriculum

A request of the school district to reform their curriculum to include a more honest and thorough history of race in our country, including the perspectives of people of color, and how that history still impacts us today.

For more information on the TUHSD Curriculum Campaign and to learn ways to support, please contact Youth for Racial Equity. For the most up to date information, please follow @youth4racialequity on Instagram and sign up for their newsletter.



Contact Youth for Racial Equity


Instagram: @youth4racialequity

Link Tree:





San Rafael City Schools District

Campaign Lead: Diversify Our Narrative San Rafael

Vision for SRCS Curriculum

Our mission is to implement BIPOC-written and anti-racist literature, lessons, and curriculum, grades K-12, in SRCS. We want to see everyone represented in the Narrative, hence our name; Diversify Our Narrative. Representation matters!

For more information on the SRCS Curriculum Campaign and to learn ways to support, please contact Diversity Our Narrative San Rafael. For the most up to date information, please follow @donsanrafael on Instagram.





Contact DON San Rafael


Instagram: @donsanrafael

Link Tree:

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