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(National Movement, Local Movement)

National Movement

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Source: Movement 4 Black Lives, see full Toolkit HERE

Major Change In San Francisco

"In what will be among the largest and boldest urban police reform experiment in decades San Francisco is creating and preparing to deploy teams of professionals from the fire and health departments — not police — to respond to most calls for people in a psychiatric, behavioral or substance abuse crisis."

"Surveys show that nearly a quarter of fatal police encounters followed calls about "disruptive behavior" directly tied to a person's mental illness and/or substance abuse disorder. Federal Bureau of Justice Statistics surveys show that 64% of those in jail and more than half of all prison inmates have a mental health problem, many of them undiagnosed."

"The ambitious plan is one key effort to make good on a broader reform pledge this summer by the city's Mayor London Breed, a Democrat, who has vowed to rethink public safety and equity in services following weeks of protests after the deaths of several black women and men at police hands including George Floyd in Minneapolis. The mayor's budget has also proposed re-directing more than $100 million dollars from the police department to initiatives that support under-served communities of color."

Local Movement

"Responding to demands from Black Lives Matter supporters to defund the Marin County Sheriff’s Office, county supervisors approved a 2020-21 county budget this week that reduces the department’s expenses by $1.7 million."

The Work Isn't Close to Done.



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